Help to get ahead


Good, three times over

Help that makes a difference. You send us your ponytail or your hairdresser sends it. The longer, the better. And we make a donation. As hairdressers, we think it is extremely important to support the charity Education for Life through our Hair for Life campaign. We know this organisation and its founders personally and are a member of Intercoiffure ourselves. Support is given to educational projects that train young people from the slums and crisis-hit regions of the world to qualify as hairdressers. And so to give them a future. The basis for running their own lives. It’s great that we can also do something for our profession in this way.

In addition we use the ponytails for producing real-hair wigs. This is a time-consuming and labour-intensive process, in which every usable hair is individually knotted into the foundation material. The production takes place in Germany1 and also in other European countries2. For fair prices and fair wages. As already mentioned, making a wig from real hair is an old craft. And we are proud to be able to nurture this tradition in collaboration with our team. That, too, is added value.

When added value produces something that’s valued, it’s even better. Can you imagine the feelings that arise when patients see themselves in the mirror with a new wig for the first time after chemotherapy? My hair donation simply does good ...

Intercoiffure Logo
IC Charity Logo
Education for Life Logo
BVZ Zweithaar Logo
geprüfte Fachkraft für Zweithaar Logo